On Board Inventory
Industrial Handheld Computer App
"On Board Inventory app is the must have tool for every vessel inventory manager. Works on industrial devices with barcode scanning technology, keeps track of all items and supplies, and directly updates the company's ERP database."
My Tasks
Interaction Research & Design
UI/UX Design
Visual Design
Mobile Prototyping & Simulation
Case Study
Benefit Software (2017)
My Role
After I investigated the business model, I took over the whole design process. I analyzed and tested both the digital interface, as well as the physical user-system interaction. Final wireframes and detailed guidelines were handed over to the development team.
Aims & Planning
The project's main objective was the creation of a robust system that is fast and usable even under the difficult conditions that exist inside the vessel stores. For this reason, the analysis and simulations were extended to the whole physical user-device interaction. Parameters such as the user's behavior when performing a task (i.e. scanning a group of items) were considered. Extra care was taken on the app's interface, in order to make it efficient and finger-friendly even with industrial gloves on.
Initial sketches and notes on the app's structure and simulation of the scanning process
UX Analysis - Design Alternatives
All functions and user tasks inside the app, were broken down and tested separately. In each case, different design alternatives were created and evaluated with regards to various human factor parameters, including both quantitative and qualitative measures.
Example of comparison of different UX Alternatives for the process of Editing/Deleting an Item inside the Scanned Inventory List
Final Product Screens
Home Screen (left), Edit Item inside Inventory List (center), Final Review before Upload (right)
Ready to Scan New Barcode